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This first lesson is an introduction to the Empower program and to the teachers who will guide you on this path of discovery. Two recommended daily practices, Calming Chime and Hoberman Sphere Breathing, will also be introduced.

Meet Mandy & Junebug


Meet Jim, Lynea & Anna


Practice:  Calming Chime & Hoberman Breathing Sphere


Lesson Plan Summary


This lesson is an introduction to the Empower program and to the teachers who will guide the students on their path of discovery. Two core practices, Mindful Bell and Hoberman Sphere Breathing, will also be introduced.

Meet the founders of Empower, Jim and Lynea Gillen, and their granddaughter, Anna. Hear about their background and why they created Empower. Also, meet artist and neuroscience educator, Mandy Bryn Severin, and her adorable dog, Junebug. Take a tour of Mandy’s studio and woodland farm.


15-17 minutes

Lesson Objectives

  • Students will be able to identify and explain the benefits of daily mindfulness practices
  • Students will learn how to use the calming chime
  • Student will learn how to lead and practice the Hoberman breathing sphere and associated routine
  • Students will have the opportunity to experience activities as both leaders and participants.
  • Students will practice giving and receiving compliments
  • Students will experience the foundation of classroom community building through all of the above routines and practices

Key Vocabulary

Empower: (verb) To give someone the power to do something

Mindful: (adjective) To be aware of something

Observant: (adjective) Watchful, quick to notice things



  1. Introduce Empower program to students and explain to the class that the Empower program is a set of lessons, routines, and videos that will give the students the tools to support the health of their minds, hearts, and bodies
  2. Introduce Key Vocabulary
  3. Play Intro video, Meet Jim, Lynea & Anna (4 min)
  4. Play intro video, Meet Mandy & Junebug (4 min)
  5. Play Calming Chime video and then practice with a student leader
  6. Ask class for 2-3 compliments for the leader of the Calming Chime practice:
    • “Raise your hand if you have a compliment for ____________”
    • Student leader to call on classmates
    • Prompt the student giving the compliment to look directly at the student leader and speak directly to him or her
    • After student gives the leader a compliment, prompt the student leader to say, “thank you” and to look at the person who gave the compliment
  7. Play Hoberman Sphere Breathing video and then practice with a student leader
  8. Ask class for 2-3 compliments for the leader of the Hoberman Sphere practice:
    • “Raise your hand if you have a compliment for ____________”
    • Student leader to call on classmates
    • Prompt the student giving the compliment to look directly at the student leader and speak directly to him or her
    • After student gives the leader a compliment, prompt the student leader to say, “thank you” and to look at the person who gave the compliment

Skills Developed

  • Calming Chime practice: – Mindful listening – Sensory/self-awareness – Patience – Leadership skills
  • Hoberman Breathing Sphere practice: – Sensory/self awareness – Nervous system regulation – Self control – Leadership skills – Teamwork skills
  • Class compliment process: – Develops ability to see and support the strengths and abilities of others – Fosters classroom community

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